J 220 SEX 2006
Available online! Click here to access the resource.
"The sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV/AIDS is fundamental to their well-being and that of their partners and children. This publication addresses the specific sexual and reproductive health needs of women living with HIV/AIDS and contains recommendations for counselling, antiretroviral therapy, care and other interventions. Improving women's sexual and reproductive health, treating HIV infections and preventing new ones are important factors in reducing poverty and promoting the social and economic development of communities and countries. Sexual and reproductive health services are uniquely positioned to address each of these factors."

Homewood, Kingdom Publishing, 2005
Call numer: J 210 BYT 2005 ((Click on call number to borrow this book!)
"HIV/AIDS is on the increase among Black women, yet there is a silence that speaks volumes in the community, the nation and the church about this epidemic. Have we forsaken our mothers, daughters and sisters in order to hide the shame of our own lack of involvement? What price will we pay for our detachment from the most indiscriminate health crisis of our time? Perhaps there is hope, if we begin to look at HIV/AIDS through the eyes of those who have been there."

London, HIV i-Base, 2005
Available online! Click here to access the resource.
"This booklet aims to help you get the most out of your own HIV treatment and care if you are considering pregnancy or during your pregnancy."

Washington, D.C., Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), 2005
Call number: VJ 210 INW 2005 ((Click on call number to borrow this DVD!)
"Kimberly was 21 and in college in the U.S. Little did she know that her boyfriend was HIV positive. After donating blood she learned that her decision to not use a condom with him one night would change her life forever.
Just across the ocean in the U.K., a similar decision would leave 18 year-old Hyshana with an STI – a reality that many adolescents now face.
In South Africa, Virginia lives in rural Kwazulu Natal with her two children, and waits for her husband for months at a time to return from his job hundreds of miles away. When he returns, she can’t possibly ask him to use a condom. He is her husband after all.
These stories, more powerfully articulate the potential role of microbicides and the importance of public and private sector leadership as well as citizen involvement in this issue. It was this demand and these personal stories that inspired the Global Campaign for Microbicides to produce short film on the need for microbicides.
In Women’s Hands will be an important tool for creating discussion and awareness around the HIV/STI epidemic among women, how microbicides could make a difference and the importance of advocacy for microbicides." (from website)
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