Thursday, October 26, 2006
AIDS Education and Prevention, Vol. 18, no 5
Table of contents:
Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Develop an Intervention to Reduce HIV and STD Infections Among Latino Men
Woman to Woman: Coming Together for Positive Change—Using Empowerment and Popular Education to Prevent HIV in Women
Short-Term Effect of a Cultural Adaptation of Voluntary Counseling and Testing Among Female Sex Workers In China: A Quasi-Experimental Trial
Correlates of Exchanging Sex for Drugs Or Money Among Women Who Use Crack Cocaine
A Comparison of Perinatal HIV Prevention Opportunities for Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Women in California
A Model of Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Young Gay and Bisexual Men: Longitudinal Associations of Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and the Coming-Out Process
Stimulant use and HIV Risk Behavior: The Influence of Peer Support Group Participation
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Anal HPV more prevalent than cervical HPV in HIV-positive women
HPV is the name for a family of sexually transmitted viruses which includes dozens of different subtypes. Some of these subtypes cause genital and anal warts; others can lead to cervical cancer in women, or anal cancer in people of either sex. People with damaged immune systems are at increased risk of HPV-related cancers.
Kojic EM et al. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection of the anus is more prevalent and diverse than cervical HPV infection among HIV-infected women in the SUN study. 44th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Toronto, abstract 693, 2006.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Accused denies existence of HIV
"AN HIV-positive man convicted of endangering the lives of three girlfriends is attempting to turn conventional science on its head by denying the existence of the virus that leads to AIDS.
Andre Chad Parenzee was convicted in February of endangering the lives of three women and faces 15 years in prison. One of the women now has HIV.
This week, he enlisted the expert evidence of two self-styled researchers - both members of the so-called Perth Group - who have used the witness stand to attack the "HIV myth".
In what is believed to be an international legal and medical first, South Australian Supreme Court judge John Sulan has set aside two weeks effectively to put HIV on trial..."
Link to the article:,20867,20646408-2702,00.html
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
First hospital makes HIV test routine
By Christine Dell'Amore
"Howard University Hospital Monday became the first in the nation to offer routine HIV testing for all patients, employees and students.
The Washington hospital will begin posting HIV screening liaisons in each department to administer free, voluntary HIV tests. The staff will use Food and Drug Administration-approved OraQuick Advance, a saliva-based test that determines a person's HIV status within 20 minutes.
All patients will be offered the free test, but they will have the choice to verbally opt out, said Dr. Celia Maxwell, director of the hospital's Center for Infectious Disease Management and Research. Maxwell added she doesn't expect many people to opt out, as most want to know the status of their health..."
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Living with HIV - Where to start

Palo Alto, Calif., Bull Publishing Company, 2005
Call number: D 100 LIV 2005 (Click on call number to borrow this book!)
"A positive diagnosis for HIV/AIDS, for many today, takes on the nature of a longterm illness, similar in many ways to heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis. It impacts every aspect of an individual's life including eating, working, exercise, personal relationships, and sex. As with any chronic illness, the key lies in becoming a good selfmanager. Particularly helpful for friends and family as well as both professional and lay audiences Living Well with HIV & AIDS is among the standards in the field. "

Grodeck, Brett. New York: Marlowe & Company, 2003
Call number: D 100 GRO 2003 (Click on call number to borrow this book!)
The First Year(tm)-HIV uses a unique approach-guiding readers through their first seven days following diagnosis, then the next three weeks of their first month, and finally the next eleven months of their first year-to provide answers and advice that will help everyone newly diagnosed with HIV come to terms with their condition and the lifestyle changes that accompany it. Starting with the day of diagnosis, author Brett Grodeck provides vital information about the nature of HIV, choosing the right doctors, treatment options, coping mechanisms, holistic alternatives, and much more. The First Year(tm)-HIV will be a supportive and educational resource for everyone who wants to take an active role in the management of their condition.

Vancouver: British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA), 2004
Call number: D 100 POS 2004 (Click on call number to borrow this book!)
Online access
The third edition of the Positive Living Manual (PLM) offers a range of information about living with HIV/AIDS, the basics for newly diagnosed, treatment information, lifestyle choices, advocacy issues, risk reduction tips, end-of-life planning and community resources.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Vol. 20, no 9
AIDS Patient Care and STDs Sep 2006, Vol. 20, No. 9
Treating HIV Infection with One Pill Per Day.
Letter to the Editor
Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients with Initial Early Virologic Failure After Being Treated with Once-Daily Tenofovir/Abacavir/Lamivudine.
Case Report
Amoebic Hepatic Abscesses in an HIV-Positive Patient
Predictors for Hematopoietic Growth Factors Use in HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients Treated with Peginterferon Alfa 2b and Ribavirin
Communicating Indeterminate HIV Western Blot Test Results to Clients: An Observational Study of Three Community Testing.
Durability of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy on Initial and Subsequent.
Supporting Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Protected Sex Among People Living with HIV/AIDS: The Role of Patient–Provider Communication in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Barriers to Accessing Antiretroviral Therapy in Kisesa, Tanzania: A Qualitative Study of Early Rural Referrals to the National Program.
Drug Developments and STD News
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hiv statistics October 2006
AIDS Education and Prevention, Vol. 18, no 4
Table of contents:
The Impact of an HIV and AIDS Life Skills Program on Secondary School Students in KwaZulu–Natal, South Africa
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Efficacy of an American Alcohol and HIV Prevention Curriculum Adapted for Use in South Africa: Results of a Pilot Study in Five Township Schools
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A Controlled Study of a Spirituality–Focused Intervention for Increasing Motivation for HIV Prevention Among Drug Users
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A Survey of MSM HIV Prevention Outreach Workers in Chennai, India
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Gender, Work, and HIV Risk: Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavior Among Female Entertainment Workers in China
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Correlates of Nonparticipation in an HIV Prevention Program for MSM
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Development of a Curriculum to Enhance Community–Based Organizations' Capacity for Effective HIV Prevention Programming and Management
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